Becoming a Member
The members of St. Paul Lutheran gladly
welcome new friends and families into
the membership of our congregation.
Those who have been baptized and confirmed in a Lutheran Church may become members by requesting a Letter of Transfer from their former church, or by Profession of Faith in cases where individuals have not recently been active or belonged to a Lutheran Church.
Individuals who are not members of a Lutheran Church may become members of St. Paul by attending an Adult Information/Membership Class offered at least twice a year in the spring and in the fall. This class is offered by group or individually, as necessary.
As members of St. Paul, we expect one another-
--to worship regularly,
--to partake of the Lord's Supper
--to study God's Word for our lives
--to practice hospitality,
and support for each other,
--to do the work of Christian
ministry, giving
of our time,
talent, treasures.